“Cada persona una necesidad, cada necesidad un tratamiento.”
In MODOVITE we are committed to offer personalized high quality services based on our training and experience taking into account each participant's goals adapting ourselves to their needs. We work in harmony based on the same principles: different work techniques are not a question of personality, but about the knowledge applied to each person, work experience and knowing how to channel correctly our teachers's lessons.
“Un hombre es tan joven como su columna vertebral.”
Joseph Pilates
Work on your body/mind in harmony and balance. Come 5 minutes before the class in silence. Start relaxing physically and mentally, relax your articulations and activate your deep muscles. Do each exercise as if it were for the first time. Work with pauses without thinking in the end, but think in Now. Listen to trainer's indications letting them flow directly into your deepest cognitive system, without thinking, without judging. The movement will emerge in perfect harmony and including yourself will be surprised.